Vegetarian baked beans

Vegetarian baked beans in a crock
Sweet, bacon-y baked beans. Would you believe they started with Jews? Well, they did. Connecting such seemingly disparate things as Judaism and pork-infused legumes usually takes a story. I recently wrote that story–with a recipe–for My Jewish Learning. Take a look at Vegetarian Baked Beans.

Photo by the author.

Is it Thanksgiving yet? How about now??

Picture this: You’re a kid again. The unexpected is scary, and you await the expected with baited breath. The more you plan that future trip or visit or birthday party, the more exciting it becomes.

That’s a little how I’ve felt as my family members planned out Thanksgiving menu. We have agreed on a wholesome meal, I think, with all sorts of stuff we can buy at the farmers market. (Wee! The farmers market!)

I thought I would share a little of that fun with the blogosphere. Here is what we plan to cook and eat.

For your added enjoyment, this menu is laced with a link scavenger hunt and even a recipe built in. All that’s left is the anticipation.

Snacking before the meal

Smoky black bean dip
Walnuts and raisins

First course

Squash soup

Salad with nuts, seeds, and all manner of veggie goodness Continue reading

Amaranth risotto recipe


This recipe uses my new favorite grain, amaranth. Amaranth comes from a plant much like callaloo. Amaranth–the grain part–manages to cook up both chewy and mushy. It eats like a hearty porridge with bursts of firm morsels. I looked at my first batch of this creamy base and had a feeling it would make a great risotto.

Check out this recipe on Culinate. It’s my first entry in my new account there, and a contender in the Naked Grains Recipe Challenge. Continue reading

Tomatoes and watermelon—perfect on their own


Cross-posted from

What’s with tomatoes and watermelon this year? I have seen them side by side at local farmers markets, of course, having both come into season recently. But in an odd development, I started to see them together in recipes, too.

At first, I noticed the usual myriad recipes for watermelon-feta salad sometimes included halved cherry tomatoes. Then came the watermelon gazpacho. Then, as if that weren’t enough, watermelon bloody Marys have now poured into the fray, celery sticks and all.

While I cheer combinations like chipotle and chocolate or peaches and basil, I just can’t get into this one. Continue reading

Show us your frittatas!

It’s summer, which means incidences of people yelling inappropriate things out car windows are on the rise. Perhaps that is what inspired the title of this post. Or perhaps the inspiration is just my own personal decline. But no matter–even if this blog is diminishing in taste, I’ll do my darndest to keep it rich in flavor.

See, another phenomenon that explodes this time of year is surplus garden veggies. For me and my fellow soil toilers at DC’s Blair Road Community Garden, the biggest overflow is in Swiss chard and summer squash. Continue reading

Watch that salmon go! Seafood guidance and a recipe for ginger-coconut salmon cakes–Updated!


Although never explicitly a vegetarian blog, this site struck many readers as meat-free—probably because I was. Yes, I WAS. I’ve been eating fish for a few months now, though I haven’t really said anything on YaD.

While keeping up my babble about veggies, I’ve been engaging in a little self-education and finding new cooking opportunities around fish. This means that when the new Seafood Watch guides from the Monterey Bay Aquarium came across my Twitter feed, I eagerly clicked over. It also means I have developed a new recipe using the wild salmon that continues to star in the “Best Choices” category. Continue reading