Maybe being rich wouldn’t be so bad…

Oh, YaD! How neglected you must feel! (Not to mention my dedicated readers, who are no doubt checking in every night and crying themselves to sleep when they see no new posts!)

I’m doing a quick check in from 42 stories above the Big Easy. I have only about 48 hours to meet, network with, and suck the wisdom out of a few hundred higher ed magazine editors at this conference, so I’d better get to the point.

My message for today: staying on the Club Floor of the Sheraton with complimentary brie, roasted veggies, mini spanakopitas, and tasty beverages (Hurricanes extra) every day from 5-8 is not bad at all. It makes you think: would it really be so evil, so bad, so wrong… to be a little rich?

Everybody sing! If I were a rich man, yidle didle didle didle deedle dum…

Eggs-istential thoughts

Sorry, I couldn’t resist the title.

The thoughts of the day are:

1) Does a glass of red wine cancel out a hardboiled egg? Or maybe it takes two glasses. (Yes, why not make it two?)

2) Could that be the real reason we drink so much wine on Passover?

These occurred to me as I read this and this.

Spread the love

Keswick Creamery‘s stand at the Dupont Circle Farmers Market is where this stuff starts for me, but it can start with any good feta. The recipe below is a spread I’ve been making and highly recommend. It tastes similar to blue cheese dressing, which definitely works in its favor. C’mon, you know you love blue cheese dressing, and and who hasn’t plotted to add more of it to their diet?

You can make a sandwich with this spread, adding some micro greens and roasted red pepper, or use as a dip for sliced winter veggies like parsnips and carrots (for the dip, replace the cream cheese and mayo with 1/2 cup sour cream or plain yogurt). If you thin it with milk or buttermilk, you can pour it on arugula or a baby lettuce mix. (Recipe comes after the jump) Continue reading

Sconely you


Remember those Total commercials? Where they stacked up the bowls and said this is how many you’d have to eat of such and such a cereal to get as much vitamin A as Total, and you’d have to eat that many bowls of the other cereal to get as much beta hydrodalius or whatever? Well, that may all be true, but they fail to mention that you’d have to eat one of those huge stacks of ANY cereal to stay full for more than 20 minutes.

Even if you’re an avid cereal eater, you’ll eventually have to face this fact: cereal–and most breakfast bars, yogurts, and other breakfasty foods–will not hold you over until lunch. Not only that, but with all the superfoods they’re adding to cereals and dairy products to justify jacking up the price, soon the average breakfast is going to cost more than dinner at The Palm. Continue reading

The provenance of the loaf



Bread is so basic that most people don’t think about it or where it came from. But if you consider it, bread is a really odd invention, right up there with coffee and sausage. Can you imagine a primitive dude deciding it would be a good idea to harvest hard, bitter beans, burn them to a crisp, grind them into a nasty brown meal, combine it with hot water, and drink it?? Considering that process, stuffing pig intestine with chopped up meat and random things from other body parts is not such a random idea after all.

But back to bread. What did the first proto-baker say to convince people that this bread thing was a good idea? I imagine it went something like this: Continue reading