Show us your frittatas!

It’s summer, which means incidences of people yelling inappropriate things out car windows are on the rise. Perhaps that is what inspired the title of this post. Or perhaps the inspiration is just my own personal decline. But no matter–even if this blog is diminishing in taste, I’ll do my darndest to keep it rich in flavor.

See, another phenomenon that explodes this time of year is surplus garden veggies. For me and my fellow soil toilers at DC’s Blair Road Community Garden, the biggest overflow is in Swiss chard and summer squash. Continue reading

Farmers Markets 101: How to find a market near you

One farmers market found - a few hundred to go!

Savoring that just-picked flavor. Supporting the local economy. Making a direct connection to the people who grow your food. Reasons for shopping at farmers markets are as rich and abundant as the farm-fresh produce they sell.

If you are reading this article, chances are good that you already have a reason, and now want to find a market nearby your home or work place. Or perhaps you shop regularly at a farmers market, but would like to sample a new one.

Luckily, you have over 220 farmers markets to choose from in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia. Several online resources offer ways to sort through them to find a market that fits your needs and location.

Each listing below includes location, day, time, and contact information for each market. Note that the information is always changing, so I recommend calling or emailing first before heading to a new destination.

Still not sure where to find a farmers market? Email me.

Hey, readers – this is a re-post from my site.

Watch that salmon go! Seafood guidance and a recipe for ginger-coconut salmon cakes–Updated!


Although never explicitly a vegetarian blog, this site struck many readers as meat-free—probably because I was. Yes, I WAS. I’ve been eating fish for a few months now, though I haven’t really said anything on YaD.

While keeping up my babble about veggies, I’ve been engaging in a little self-education and finding new cooking opportunities around fish. This means that when the new Seafood Watch guides from the Monterey Bay Aquarium came across my Twitter feed, I eagerly clicked over. It also means I have developed a new recipe using the wild salmon that continues to star in the “Best Choices” category. Continue reading